Welcome to the Temecula Valley Historical Society!

A 501(c)(3) corporation

The Society's Next Program

Monday July 29th at 6:00 p.m.

Jennifer Lehr will present a program with a military theme when she speaks about an upcoming military mission to Greenland and its historical significance in WW II when the Germans had several weather stations there to monitor fleets in the North Atlantic. Lehr will display items her uncle had with him when he was stranded in Greenland during WW II.

Lehr, the Chief Operating Officer of Fallen American Veterans Foundation, Inc. (FAVF), a 501©3 non-profit organization, advocates for surviving families of the 83,000 US Military Personnel missing in action (MIA) since WW ll. She is a member of Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Auxiliary Post 1508, the wife of a decorated USMC Vietnam Veteran, the daughter of a US Navy Veteran, the granddaughter of NASA Industrial Engineer (Space Division), and is a member of the National Society of Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) Luiseńo Chapter, and is a Mayflower descendant.

Lehr’s passion for repatriating MIA service people is strongly motivated by not knowing the whereabouts of her uncle Pvt. Dugan Harris who served in the Korean War, one of the 83,000 people listed as MIA. Through advocacy and proposed legislation, FAVF educates US military branches and public officials regarding US policy and its commitment to missing service people and their families. FAVF repatriates the remains of US Military Personnel missing in action to "Honor the Promise" to “Leave No One Behind.”

Lehr says, “Being of service to others has been paramount in my family; that DNA is strong! I’m honored to have that torch passed on to me on behalf of my fellow Americans.”

Any questions regarding our programs may be addressed to Rebecca Farnbach at:


Our programs are held indoors at the Little Temecula History Museum, which is the "red barn" next to Kohl's, one block south of the intersection of Temecula Parkway and Margarita Road.

The programs are free and open to the public. 

Jennifer Lehr